One day, destiny brought together two extraordinary souls: Avani, with her unique ability to read human auras, and Duku, a Balinese shaman deeply connected to spiritual energy and healing.

This fateful meeting between two individuals, so different yet perfectly complementary, marked the beginning of something truly magical. Thus, our brand was born – a space where spirituality merges with the beauty of jewelry, and where every customer becomes a cherished member of our community. Here, we share a collective aspiration for a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Our team is made up of passionate, authentic individuals who possess not only knowledge and skills in both spirituality and jewelry but also hearts full of love, eager to share their gifts with the world. Every piece of jewelry we create is more than just a beautiful accessory – it is a vessel of energy, love, and positive intention.

Our mission is to reveal the uniqueness of each client’s soul, offering an unforgettable experience that elevates their consciousness and self-awareness.